And we add to this that he never befriended or compromised with the tawaghit, nor did he sell out on his religion, nor did he sell the verses of Allah for a small price. Yes, we differ with him in some of his opinions, and I do not accept many of his Fiqh opinions. As for Hadith, then if he tells me that this hadith is authentic, then I do not question it, yes. In truth, he is a Muhaddith; the most well-known living Muhaddith that we know of today, and Allah Knows best. However, this is not the reason that we love him or take from his knowledge of Hadith.
This book of his - ‘Sahih al-Jami” - does not leave my side most of the time; whether I am travelling or at home. I have a copy in my house, and I have a copy here (in the camp in Afghanistan). ‘Sahih al-Jami’ as-Saghir’ is basically a mini-manual of Hadith. I am saying that it is of the best of books after the Book of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic. Any hadith that might come to mind, you can open up this book and see if it is authentic or not.”