Thursday, July 21, 2011

Obituary: Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Arna'ut

There are two calamities when the true scholars of Islam pass away: firstly is the immediate loss of the individual from whom one can now not benefit from, seek advice from, obtain solutions to our problems and likewise. The second calamity is that the sacred knowledge running through the veins of such people is lost and passes away with its carrier. With the death of the 'ulemâ, we lose a portion of the legacy of Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) for as he said, "the scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets."

It becomes a far greater tragedy when the scholar in question is from the erudite masters of knowledge; those whose mention in the lands is widespread and whom our times simply cannot replace.

Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Arna'ut (rahimahullah), the great 'آlim and Muhaddith of Syria passed away on the 26th of November 2004 corresponding to the 13th of Shawwâl 1425 on Friday morning at his home in Damascus. His funeral prayer was held after the Jumu'ah prayer at the Zayn ul-‛آbideenmosque in Maydân, Damascus, attended by tens of thousands of people. He was 78 years old.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gathering to eat and celebrate on the last day of Sha’baan

Some families get together on the last night of Sha’baan and make food, and some of their lders recite poems for this occasion. What is the ruling on this getting together to eat?

Praise be to Allaah.

We put this question to Sahykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen, may Allaah preserve him, who replied as follows:

I think that this is closer to bid’ah (innovation), and it should be disallowed rather than permitted, because it is being taken as an “Eid” (regular celebration). If it happened only once, then it is OK.

Our response is: we do not allow it.

And Allaah knows best.

Sahykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Refutation Against the Lies of Al-Anbaree and the Clarification of the Fasaad of the Basis of his Meth`haab in Al-Irjaa' [1]: Written by the Shaykh Hamoud bin ‘Aqlaa’ah Al-Shu’aybee - 1421 H.

Praise be to Allaah, Lord of the Worlds, and the reward is for the Mutaqeen, and there is no enmity except against the Thaalimeen, and I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allaah, alone and he has no partner, the God of the first and the last and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger. May Allaah send blessings upon him and his family and his companions collectively, and to proceed:

I have looked at all of the sayings of Khaalid Al-Anbaree and it has become clear to me by my reading of these sayings and some of his books that he is a Murji'ee from the pure Murji'yah; the ones that are under the school of thought of Jahm bin Safwaan in Irjaa'.
That is the school of thought which – from its Usool – is that no one disbelieves accept with rejection (Juhood) or Istih'laal [2], but as far as the one who knows Allaah and approves of Him, then he does not disbelieve and he does not leave the Milla. And this going astray has spread in this era, and this spreading wasn’t due to anything accept for him and the likes of him, so they have went astray and made people go astray.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ramadan, the Month of Jihad

Jihad is the summit of Islam. Its virtue is countlessly high, as mentioned in many places of the Koran and Sunnah. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:

"Verily, there are one hundred degrees in Paradise which Allah has reserved for the fighters in His cause. The distance between every two degrees is like the distance between the sky and the Earth, so if you ask Allah for anything, ask Him for the Firdaus, for it is the last part of Paradise and the highest part of Paradise, and at its top there is the Throne of Beneficent, and from it gush forth the rivers of Paradise".

The month of Ramadan in the life of the Prophet (pbuh) and the righteous ancestors was a month of forthcoming. The greatest battles during the lifetime of the Prophet (pbuh) occurred in this blessed month, the month of jihad, zeal and enthusiasm.

Zakaat al-Fitr is given by food, not by money

Types of things that may be given 

It is reported in al-Saheehayn from Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with them both) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) made zakaat al-fitr, one saa’ of dates or one saa’ of barley, obligatory on the Muslims, slave and free, male and female,. (At that time, barley was one of the foods they ate). (Al-Bukhaari, 1408)

Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “At the time of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), we used to give a saa’ of food on the day of Fitr.” Abu Sa’eed said: “And our food was barley, raisins, aqit (dried yoghurt) and dates.”
(Reported by al-Bukhaari, 1408).

It should be given in the form of the staple food that is used locally, whether it is wheat, rice, dates or lentils…

Friday, July 15, 2011

How to recite Quran in Ramadan (for the brothers/sisters who work in a busy schedule)

An easy method that may help us to recite the whole Quran within a month i.e in Ramadan especially

A normal mushaf of Quranul kareem consists of 600 pages. If we divide this number over 30 days the result equals to 20 page each day, and if this 20 pages are divided over 5 times the result equals to 4 pages. These 4 pages can be recited after every fard salaat. Therefore till the end of Ramadan you can finish reciting the whole Quran. If you want to complete reciting Quran 2 times within the 30 days in Ramadan than you can read 4 page before and after each salaat.

You can also buy a CD of Quran and listen to the translation and explanation before sleeping ,up to the pages you have recited in a day, this way you can complete and understand Quran with meaning and pronunciation Insha'Allah.

JazakAllah khairan for reading this message and please share this message with your friends and encourage them in reciting Quran in Ramadan at least once with the understandings.